About Us

We are cloud software specialists who have a passion for producing software that improves local government efficiency.

Our history:


Parish Online concept created

Starting with two blokes in a shed, with a company called Spatial Technology UK. The idea for Parish Online was created.



Parish Online launched

Spatial Technology UK was absorbed into Getmapping PLC and Parish Online was launched.

The launch event was held at Bath Spa University.

Bath & North East Somerset committed to providing licences to all their Local Councils.

Parish Online was released into the world!


Dedicated product team established

As the popularity of Parish Online grew, it needed a dedicated team to develop, sell and support it. Chris Mewse took the lead, with Tristram Cary providing oversight.



New home for Parish Online

The software and the team spin off from Getmapping PLC into a new company called Geoxphere. This gave the team more flexibility to develop and expand the software. 


NALC Digital Mapping partnership signed

NALC recognise the importance of digital mapping as an essential tool for local council management, hence creating a partnerhsip bringing Parish Online software closer to their members.



Major software upgrade

Using Geoxphere's newly-built groundbreaking digital mapping technology, Parish Online is given a big refresh.

Tom Huntley, the Technical Director, has many sleepless nights.


BHIB Councils Insurance partnership signed

BHIB begin offering Parish Online subscriptions for free as part of their award-winning insurance policy for local councils.



National Maps initiative kicked off

Parish Online working with a number of organisations to help bring consistency and better data management to local councils.


Free Training initiative through regional ALCs

Working with regional Association of Local Councils, we provide in depth digital mapping training to local councils through video call.



Improved BHIB partnership

We increased our partnership engagement with BHIB by arranging a deal where all new BHIB policyholders could get a 1 year free Parish Online subscription.


NALC Partnership

We began sponsoring and engaging with NALC on an even closer basis to help the local council market use digital technology to improve the professionalism and presentation of council content to the public.



Parish Online Websites Launched

With growing demand for a low-cost, professional website and email service focused on town and parish councils, we create our Parish Online Websites service.

The service mandates the use of GOV.UK domain names, so fully funds their cost.


Parish Online becomes a not-for-profit

Recognising the importance of providing high quality services with a high social value, the Geoxphere team create a sister company, Local Authority Technology Community Interest Company (CIC).

This CIC is the new home for Parish Online services, though still heavily supported by Geoxphere Ltd.

The Parish Online team own and operate both companies.