The British Geological Survey is a world-leading geological survey and global geoscience organisation, focused on public-good science for government and research to understand earth and environmental processes.



BGS Geology

Dataset Description
BGS 1:50k Artificial ground Represents areas of man-made or significantly modified ground, such as urban areas and quarries.
BGS 1:50k Bedrock Displays the solid geology beneath soil and superficial deposits at a 1:50k scale.
BGS 1:50k Linear features Identifies linear geological features such as faults, dykes, and boundaries.
BGS 1:50k Mass movement Shows areas affected by geological processes like landslides or slope failures.
BGS 1:50k Superficial deposits Maps unconsolidated surface deposits, such as river alluvium or glacial sediments.
BGS 1:625k Faults Highlights major fault lines and structural features on a broader scale.
BGS 1:625k Dykes Shows igneous intrusions such as dykes and sills at a national scale.
BGS 1:625k Bedrock Provides a general overview of the underlying solid geology across the UK.
BGS 1:625k Superficial Offers a high-level map of superficial deposits across the UK.
BGS 1:625k Bedrock Lithology Focuses on the composition and material properties of bedrock geology.
BGS 1:625k Bedrock Lithostratigraphy Details the stratigraphic units and layering within bedrock at a 1:625k scale.
BGS 1:625k Superficial Lithostratigraphy Describes the stratigraphy and structure of superficial deposits on a national scale. 



BGS Offshore Geology

Dataset Description
BGS 1:1M Seabed Sediments Represents seabed sediment types at a 1:1 million scale, including sand, gravel, mud, and mixed sediments.
BGS Offshore 1:250 Hard Substrate Maps areas of exposed hard substrate on the seabed, such as rocky outcrops or reefs.
BGS Offshore 1:250k Marine Bedrock Displays the bedrock geology beneath the seabed at a 1:250k scale.
BGS Offshore 1:250k Marine Bedrock Linear Features Highlights linear geological features offshore, such as faults and structural lineations in the marine bedrock.
BGS Offshore 1:250k Sea Bed Sediment Shows the distribution of sediment types on the seabed at a detailed 1:250k scale.



BGS GeoScour

Dataset Description
GeoScour - Designated Sites Identifies designated environmental or geological sites that may be impacted by scour processes.
GeoScour - Flood Accommodation Highlights areas with potential to accommodate floodwaters, reducing scour risks.
GeoScour - Geological Runoff Potential Maps areas where geological features influence surface water runoff and potential scour.
GeoScour - Morphology Analyzes landform shapes and features relevant to erosion and scour processes.
GeoScour - Stability Assesses the stability of geological features in relation to potential scour events.
GeoScour - Surface Geology Susceptibility Average Provides an averaged measure of surface geology's susceptibility to scour over large areas.


BGS GeoSure

Dataset Description
Collapsible Deposits - 5km Hex Maps areas with soil or deposits that may collapse when wet or loaded, potentially causing ground instability.
Landslides - 5km Hex Identifies areas prone to landslides, including potential and historical occurrences.
Running Sand - 5km Hex Highlights areas where loosely packed sands may flow or shift under pressure or when waterlogged.
Shrink Swell - 5km Hex Assesses areas where clay-rich soils may expand or contract with changes in moisture content.
Soluble Rocks - 5km Hex Maps regions with rocks, such as limestone or gypsum, that are susceptible to dissolution and potential subsidence.


 BGS GeoClimate UKCP18

Dataset Description
UKCP18 - Shrink Swell 2030 Predicts the potential for shrink-swell hazards in clay-rich soils across the UK by 2030, based on UKCP18 climate projections.
UKCP18 - Shrink Swell 2070 Projects the potential for shrink-swell hazards in clay-rich soils across the UK by 2070, considering future climate scenarios.



BGS Mining Hazard

Dataset Description
Mining Hazard (excluding Coal) - 1km Hex Identifies areas with potential ground instability risks associated with historical or current non-coal mining activities, such as metal ores, limestone, or chalk extraction, at a 1km resolution.


BGS Soil Parent Material

Dataset Description
Soil - Carbonate Content Indicates the carbonate (calcium carbonate or limestone) content within soil, affecting pH and fertility.
Soil - Depth Provides information on the depth of soil layers, important for agriculture and construction.
Soil - European Soil Bureau Description Describes soil characteristics according to the European Soil Bureau classification system.
Soil - Group Categorizes soils into groups based on their properties, such as drainage or composition.
Soil - Parent Material Grain Size Identifies the grain size of the parent material from which the soil is derived, influencing soil texture.
Soil - Texture Describes the proportions of sand, silt, and clay in the soil, critical for water retention and drainage.

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24 February 2021

