Cranbrook Town Council use Parish Online to map out adopted roads

Cranbrook Town Council use Parish Online to map out adopted roads


Cranbrook Town Council in Devon map changes to their adopted roads in Parish Online and published them to inform the public of the changes.



As part of a review into the responsibility for the maintenance of roads in Cranbrook, the Town Council needed to communicate the changes to residents so they had clear information and could direct queries to the right authority; whether that was Cranbrook Town Council or Devon County Council




Cranbrook realised that an interactive map would provide a clear view of road adoption, both for their internal use and for publishing to members of the public. They therefore used Parish Online to map out where their current adopted roads were and highlight where there would be ownership changes. Using this collaborative tool the whole team were able to log in independently and review the data in at their convenience. It ensured they were all working to the same data to efficiently confirm the changes.

Digital map exerts were then produced that could be shared with the public through social media.




This process allowed the Town Council to effectively communicate changes to the public in an easily understandable way. There were direct savings in the speed of being able to produce high quality maps, and the intangible cost savings of reduction in possible queries to the wrong authority by the public.

About Cranbrook Town Council

Cranbrook Town Council was created on the day of the local elections on 7 May 2015. The Town Council is the first tier of local government and the one closest to the community, serving Cranbrook’s residents, businesses and visitors. The Town Council operates at a level below the District and County Councils and can help on a number of local issues, such as providing allotments, bus shelters, community centres, play areas and grants to help local organisations.

Excluding the title header, all pictures sent to us by Cranbrook Town Council.




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24 February 2021


Land & Property, Public Engagement