Keynsham use Parish Online to plot their assets and plan their events

Keynsham use Parish Online to plot their assets and plan their events


Keynsham Town Council use Parish Online for many things, including asset management, event planning, sourcing maps, images and plans and support many of their projects.



Keynsham have been able to source an abundance of maps, plans and images to support so many of their projects, events, and documents. For events planning like the Winter Festival and Christmas Light Switch on and the Town’s Remembrance Parade they were able to print off plans detailing road closures, barrier locations, lost children centre locations, first aid locations, security staff HQ details, positions of stewards on the day/night, locations of stalls/fun fair and details of parade routes.

As well as this, Keynsham have previously plotted their assets such as bins, benches, bus shops etc. They hope to review this during 2020.

Their most intense project that was undertaken and is still ongoing using Parish Online is a full character site assessment to support BANES Council’s Housing and Employment Land Availability Assessment. We used Parish Online to produce maps of sections of all the estates across the whole town (around 8,000) homes. These maps were given to small groups of Councillors, employees, members of the Neighbourhood Plan group together with members of our community to gather data for the individual areas that would provide strong, defensible allocation choices [CM1] for future housing development areas in town of Keynsham.

The maps were used in conjunction with a site assessment toolkit that asked those assessing the area to record detailed local information about the green and built features on and around the site. These could contribute to or perhaps harm the parish settlements’ landscape setting and local distinctiveness that may influence a decision about potential housing allocation.





Dawn Drury, Deputy Town Clerk to Keynsham Town Council explains the benefits:

“What don’t we use Parish Online for?! Parish Online is an invaluable tool for Keynsham Town Council. The benefit of using Parish online was immense and without access to Parish Online maps, the 360° degree imagery (provided by B&NES Council), the scaling tool, measuring tool and aerial imagery (both present and historic) these projects may have been impossible but would definitely have taken much longer, would have been far more costly and would not have had such an excellent supporting visual finish.”


About Keynsham Town Council

Keynsham Town Council was formed in 1991 and aims to provide quality local services, amenities, and representation at the best possible standard within a realistic budget. The Town Council has a membership of 15 Councillors. Elections for the Town Council are held every four years.

Title picture from English Architecture Development, Keynsham Civic Centre. All other pictures sent to us by Keynsham Town Council.

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24 February 2021


Asset Management, Land & Property, Public Engagement